Employee tax returns
Employee tax returnWe prepare your employees' tax returns accurately, optimally, and under attractive conditions.
Don’t want to burden yourself or your employees with filling out complicated forms and risking errors? Let us take care of their tax returns.
- Our experienced tax advisors will prepare the returns, applying all applicable deductions and allowances.
- With your authorization, we’ll file the returns electronically on your behalf.
- You save time and avoid the stress of dealing with complex forms or subsequent communication with the tax office.
- Everything can be handled remotely.
Pricing for Employee tax return preparation
- The base price for preparing a tax return is CZK 10,000 excluding VAT.
- The final price depends on the complexity of the case and the quality of the provided documentation. In most cases, the total price ranges between CZK 10,000 and CZK 15,000 excluding VAT.
- For a larger number of uncomplicated returns (e.g., no residency considerations), we offer discounted rates.
- We provide an extension for tax return submission until July free of charge.