We take care of you
Electronic and "paper" accounting for entrepreneurs, owners associations and non-profit entities.
Accounting Prague
Most of our accounting clients are in Prague and the Central Bohemian region. Thanks to modern technologies, however, we also work for clients from other regions (including foreign ones).
We prefer electronic accounting processing (die to flexibility and efficiency of processing, most of our clients also require them).
In the case of larger clients we are happy to process your accounting directly in your offices.
Of course we also process documents in their paper form.
Accounting programs
Our specialists have experience in a multitude of accounting programs some of our favourites include:
- Pohoda
- Abra Flexibee
- Helios Orange
However, we also work in other programs, such as Money, Abra, Byznys, I6 and others.
Proč si vybrat nás?
- Dlouholeté zkušenosti s účetnictvím pro různé typy klientů.
- Flexibilní spolupráce na dálku i osobně.
- Moderní přístup s využitím technologií.
- Přizpůsobíme se vašim specifickým požadavkům.
Vyberte si partnera, který vám pomůže udržet pořádek ve financích a soustředit se na růst vašeho podnikání. Kontaktujte nás ještě dnes a zjistěte, jak vám můžeme pomoci s účetnictvím.
We provide comprehensive accounting services, including the issue and sending of invoices, ensuring payment, debt collection and other services.
You will get a continuous overview of your company conditions, accounting outsourced to us will support your success.