Social Security and health insurance inspections
Social Security and health insurance inspectionsWe will help you pass the inspection successfully, without penalties or raised insurance premiums.
Is an inspection from a health insurance company or the Social Security administration waiting for you? Thanks to our extensive experience, we know how to communicate with the authorities, what to look out for and what to avoid:
- we check all your documents,
- we ensure clear communication with the authorities,
- we will explain the inspectors questions - and how to respond to them.
We will help you avoid fines and possible draconian hikes in your insurance premiums.
Prices for our clients that already have their payroll based with us are calculated on our hourly rates.
For clients that do not process their payroll with us our prices need to be a little higher, this is to cover any additional checks that are needed and to identify any hidden problems.
TIP: If you have a tax audit, we would be happy to represent you. Click here for more information.
Cena zastoupení při kontrolách pojistného
Cena pro klienty, jimž zpracováváme mzdovou agendu, vychází z našich hodinových sazeb a pohybuje se zpravidla v jednotkách tisíc Kč.
V případě externích klientů cena vychází z hodinové sazby 1.800 Kč, minimálně však 15.000 Kč
TIP: Pokud vás čeká daňová kontrola, rádi vás při ní zastoupíme. Pro více informací klikněte sem.