Seminars and webinars
Seminars and webinarsWebinars, workshops and lectures on a topic to suit your needs and requirements.
It is worth investing in education so that you or your employees are not surprised by the constant changes in the field of taxes and accounting.
Thanks to our online webinars and "Live" lectures, you will always be in the picture. And it doesn't matter in you join from the office, from the living room or from a holiday in the Alps.
If you do not choose from the topics already prepared below, we will prepare a lecture or webinar according to your wishes.
Prepared webinar topics:
Self-invoicing (švarcsystém): 1,5 hours, price CZK 5000 without VAT/per group,
Income tax for the self-employed: 1,5 hours, price CZK 5000 without VAT/per group,
VAT for the self-employed: 1,5 hours, price CZK 5000 without VAT/per group,
- Tax optimisation: 3x 1,5 hours, price from CZK 12000 without VAT/per group.
The prices of seminars on topics that we have already prepared start at CZK 5000 without VAT.
We set the price of individual topics by agreement. The final price of the seminar depends, among other things on whether the lecture involves travelling and other circumstances
Připravená témata webinářů:
Ceny seminářů na témata, která máme již připravena, začínají na 5 000 Kč bez DPH.
Cenu individuálních témat stanovujeme dohodou. Konečná cena semináře závisí mj. na tom, zda je přednáška spojena s cestováním mimo naši kancelář na místo dle vašeho výběru a dalších okolnostech.